giovedì 24 maggio 2012

The Rapid Fat Loss Diet System

From: The desk of Ryan Phillips, Burton England
Re: Your Formula for Rapid Fat Loss Success
  • Are you hesitant or embarrassed to take your shirt off in front of people and feel genuinely depressed about how you look?
  • Have you ever tried to drop your stubborn body fat, but haven’t found something that’s worked?
  • Or like many of my other clients, have you ever started a diet, only to quit a few weeks later from lack of results?
If you answered “YES!” to any of those questions you’re not alone, they were the biggest frustrations I had before I found the real answer to rapid fat reduction.  Now, on this very page, I’m going to reveal to you the one reason why your body won’t ALLOW you to drop fat at a rapid pace, and then provide you with the SMARTEST solution ever developed to override “normal” fat loss and get YOU to the exact weight you want in the fastest and easiest way possible.. Guaranteed.
WARNING: This is NOT a gimmick – if you are looking for some kind of pill popping, magic bullet with zero effort then you won’t find it here.  But, if your looking for REAL results founded on REAL science, then the information I’m about to share with you will without a doubt be the most important rapid fat loss information you’ve ever read.
Now before we get into that…
Let me introduce myself.
I’m Ryan Phillips.
You may or may not have heard of me before…
But I was in the same boat as you not so long ago, I wasn’t happy with my body, it was affecting my confidence and I wanted to make a change.
I actually remember taking the first ‘before’ picture below in my girlfriends bathroom and I didn’t face sideways because I couldn’t bare to see how much my belly stuck out compared to how flat it was before.
In just 25 days I had already lost 17Lb, 3.6%
body fat and 9 inches!
Why so fast?
It’s because I learned to do things a bit differently from what most experts are teaching.
In fact, in most cases, I do the EXACT opposite of the “popular” diet gospel.
And for me… that had been the key reason why most people are still struggling to reduce their weight while I’ve found it easy to drop the fat and keep it off…
But in truth… what I’m MOST proud of…
Is not my personal success…
But the success of my customers… who have applied what I have taught them, took action and are seeing incredible results.  And they did it in no time at all.
Stories like these:
“Week 1: 7Lb’s and 6 inches of body fat gone!  One word, shocked!  Thanks for the help and the emails Ryan, keep up the great work! Cheers”
Dave Gaskell
“I started 11 days ago and I have lost 11Lb (today is my cheat day) I was going to the gym, boxing, eating naff all and I still wasn’t losing a thing.  I even went to the doctors as I thought there was something wrong with me but now I’m on this “diet” I can actually see me getting into my wedding dress so thank you”
Becki Kennedy
“I have only been doing this for a week and I’ve lost 5 inches and 8Lb!  You are officially my favorite person. Big Smiles”
Alyssa Simpson
“Once hearing about the success and results people were getting from the Rapid Fat Loss Diet, I had to look into it and give it a go.  I needed to drop weight and body fat and using this diet made it so easy and simple!!  Easy steps that meant each time I stepped onto the scales I could see the Lbs dropping off.  After losing over 1 and a half stone (23Lb) in 24 days I feel great and healthier!  Looking forward to even more success and reaching my goal.”
Matt Smith
“Ryan, an update for you!  I started the rapid fat loss diet 5 days ago, I’ve weighted myself today as its cheat day and I’ve lost 7Lb!  I have done everything by the book although the scales weren’t budging for a couple of days but I persevered.  I flippin love this diet, I was at boxercise last night with my friend Christina and I felt like I was on speed (although not sure how that actually feels!)  I cannot stress how theses lots of little changes can make a difference, I feel full through out the day and look forward to the fact I can have my chocolate every week too, that’s what keeps me going.  Just want to say thank you for bringing this diet into my world.”
Caroline Fotheringham
“After the whole Christmas period with food food food, I looked in the mirror and thought I have to do something about this so I started the rapid fat loss diet and a week later (cheat day) and I’m feeling fantastic, I’m noticing a change around my waist already and I’ve lost 10Lb!  Yes 10Lb in 6 days, it’s incredible.  I couldn’t believe it myself .  Now I can look forward to my goal knowing its easy.”
Chris Upton
“Dude. Finally reached the milestone of 2 stone (28Lb) lost today, all thanks to following the rapid fat loss diet.  I need to keep on it until I reach my main target then its time to build some muscle to go along side it.  Thanks for the advice, really helpful and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to adopt a mmore healthy lifestyle.”
Stephen Brown
Pay Close Attention.  Here’s How It Works.
To put it simple 99% of “diets” DON’T work due to caloric restriction.  If you’ve tried them and failed you’re just like all the other people in the world… normal.
You see, any time you go on a “diet” you restrict calories, and naturally when you restrict calories your body does everything it can to fight against all your efforts to drop weight.
Talk about an uphill struggle!  But guess what…
It’s Not Your Fault
It’s a completely natural anti-starvation mechanism.  If you don’t get enough calories for an extended period of time the body causes “bad” fat storage hormones and hunger to increase whilst “good” fat burning hormones and metabolism decrease.
Enter “starvation mode”.
Go on any diet and it won’t be long until your body starts fighting for every ounce of your body fat.  And guess what… It wins EVERY TIME.
It sucks huh!
But What If You Could Block Your Body From Releasing These
“Fat Storage Hormones” Keeping FAT BURNING At
It’s Highest Point, Week After Week?
Well you can…
Whilst strategically “cheating” on your diet with all your favorite foods!
Whether it’s ice cream you crave, chocolate chip cookies or my personal favorite, a large Big Mac meal from Mcdonald’s (with a dairy milk McFlurry)…
WHATEVER it is, you can actually eat those foods GUILT FREE to help youREDUCE FAT FASTER.
You just have to be strategic…
And in the Rapid Fat Loss Diet that’s exactly what I’ll teach you.
The Science Behind The “Cheat”
The bad news is it only takes your body about 1 week to enter “starvation” mode due to caloric restriction, and by this time all the negative effects start to happen like slow/stalled fat loss and decreased metabolism.
The good news is it only takes 1 day to reverse via strategic cheating”.  And on this day you can eat as much junk as you like.
The technical explanation is by spiking your caloric intake once per week (stuffing your face) it will stop your metabolic rate downshifting from caloric restriction during the week.  It also SUPER BOOSTS fat reduction from increasing cAMP and GMP to improving the conversion of the T4 thyroid hormone to the more active T3.

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